The Tale of PB&Js, Jiu Jitsu and Wendys


MCas Blog #12

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


SUPER eventful day.

It all started out with a delicious pb&j (as usual)

Then me and my brother went to a deliciously talented songwriter/producer/dude’s house to work on a songĀ  i had in the works and it turned out deliciously (dont question my word choices!!)

It’s all recorded up but i’m goin back there tomorrow to finish up all the little touches and such.

THEN. I randomly ran into Eddie Bravo (a jiu-jitsu legend) at a superbowl party yesterday. So he was all like “you should come train tomorrow” so i did. It was delicious and i’m half dead. Maybe 3/4 dead. Whatever the case im still breathin! (barely)

And i ended it all with 4 burgers from wendys.

Can a day get much more delicious?

doubt it.
