Michael Castro Fan Video


Gontierluvr posted this on Youtube. It’s a video using an edited version of Michael Castro’s audition. The judges’ comments were removed and all you’ll hear is our boy’s voice.

Michael Castro Singing “I’m In Love With A Girl,” by Gavin DeGraw.


Thanks to Lian for sending it our way.


Eye Candy Of The Day


It’s a slow news day, so why don’t we just feast our eyes on these Michael Castro photos? 🙂

Michael Castro - Audition Photo, Kansas City

Michael Castro - Audition Photo, Kansas City

There goes that AI logo again. Hahaa

Jason and Michael Castro, Kansas City Audition

Jason and Michael Castro, Kansas City Audition

The Un-Girly Sitting Position

The Un-Girly Sitting Position

Jason: You said I was girly?

Michael: It’s coz you get emotional and stuff…

Jason: I’m a man!

LMAO on these two. Hahahaa

Is it just me or don’t these exchanges just scream Castro TV show?! How amazing would it be if we saw such beautiful creatures on the screen regularly? How often do we find a young man who is talented, polite, funny, smart, sincere, clean living, well meaning and drama-free, on the entertainment biz? And oh yeah, ridiculously good looking? More so, how often do we find two of them?

Both the Castro boys, aside from singing and playing instruments, play soccer. They’ve been to mission trips to several places to perform soccer ministry. They also like to go drifting with friends. They sure have interesting aspects in their lives that a lot of fans will find interesting.

Perhaps also, we’ll get a glimpse of their other talents, Jason- drumming, and Michael – cage fighting.

I want the Castro Brothers on a TV show! Who’s with me? Anybody?

For sure, they are going to mow down The Hills if they had to go head to head. 😉

Michael and Jason Steals the Scene from Ryan

Michael and Jason Steals the Scene from Ryan

Love the hot jeans. The Castro brothers sure know how to wear their pants!

And look at where that AI logo is. Tell me, is there some kind of an AI logo conspiracy going on? :p


Michael Castro Makes A Splash


There’s a lot of buzz about our boy. Here’s another article; it’s from the NY Daily:

He’s no bikini-girl, but ‘American Idol’ star Jason Castro’s brother Michael has family ties

Well, he’s no bikini-girl Katrina Darrell, but Michael Castro still made a splash Wednesday night on “American Idol” for his family ties: the hot pink-haired singer is the brother of last season’s sweet-voiced crooner Jason Castro.


It’s a good read. Here’s the link.

Michael Castro Makes A Splash

Michael Castro Makes A Splash

Screen cap— Notice the poll?


Michael Castro’s Audition Night Draws Audience


Disclaimer: That’s not exactly what the article’s title says. Hahaa.


From Reality Blurred:


American Idol 8’s second night, which featured Kansas City auditions and Jason Castro’s brother Michael Castro (Kara: “You have this, ‘I have a secret’ vibe”), drew more viewers than its first night, a significant achievement.

As Fox said in a press release, that’s “the first time in five years that American Idol’s Wednesday premiere has increased over its Tuesday debut in Adults 18-49 (since Jan ‘04) and the first time in the five years that Total Viewers retained at least 100% of its Tuesday debut audience.”


Ratings increased during the episode where Jason and Michael appeared? Really? No kidding!

Hmmm… I wonder what aroused the viewers interest. *insert smug look here*

Heh. Two words= Castro Boys.

No wait, make that (counts fingers just like Michael) five = Castro Boys and their talents.


Or their faces; or  hair; or  PANTS.

Take a pick. No wrong answer.


Don’t you just love the way the AI logo is strategically situated? =p

The way the Castro Boys sit is, definitely, NOT girly.

The way the Castro Boys sit is, definitely, NOT girly.


Michael Castro , Kansas City Audition

Michael Castro , Kansas City Audition


“Pink-Haired” Michael Advances

An article from USMagazine.


Usmagazine Screencap

Usmagazine Screencap


On Wednesday’s American Idol, wannabe singers in Kansas City turned out — including Michael Castro, the pink-haired brother of last year’s finalist Jason Castro.

Michael, 20, impressed the judges with his performance of Gavin DeGraw‘s “In Love With A Girl.”


Read the full article here.


Jason and Michael Castro in the LA Times

It’s more about Jason, but Michael’s in it too!

“One star shines bright in Kansas City ”

by Richard Rushfield:

The show’s most intriguing moment came, however, in a guest cameo — the return of Season Seven giant Jason Castro to the “Idol” auditions in support of his charismatic younger brother, Michael.

Seeing Jason, an actual, certified Idol walk among the cringing masses in the waiting lounge was such a contrast, it was like seeing a god come down from Mt. Olympus and walk among mere mortals.  The fascinating part is that just one year ago, Jason sat among them, without any special aura or grandeur to his presence. So innocuous was Jason that he was not even shown until the end of Hollywood Week.

Such is the power of “American Idol” that a year later, having worked his way through the “Idol” journey, having stood night after night before millions, he appears with a larger-than-life quality.


You can read the rest of the article HERE. And while you’re there, how about leaving some good words for our boy. Mmmkay?


Quotes From Michael’s Audition


* Exchange between new judge Kara and our boy:

Kara:  “You have this, ‘I have a secret’ vibe”

Michael: “Maybe I don’t even know it.”

(he is a stud. that is all.)


*Michael on big bro Jason

Michael: “He’s like, more girly, and I’m more, like, not girly,”

(this is the part where my jaw dropped and then after I had finally picked it up from the floor, all I called say was a big WTH!!! ) =p


*And my favorite quote of the night:

Jason: “By girly you mean I have emotions and express them well?  Some people call that an artist.”

(and then a collective shriek was heard across Castro land.)


And by the way, contrary to American Idol’s constant claim, Jason Castro is in fact a fun and interesting interviewee. This jab at Jason’s interview skills is getting tired. The only clip they ever have of him bungling up an interview  is that pre-performance clip from the Top 20 round. Yes, from week 2. It’s that old.

Jason consistently gave honest, polite, down to earth and sincere interviews. His exit interview on Idol Extra was entertaining and truthful and all his radio interviews after AI were fun and revealing.

But I digress.  On the Michael : It will truly be interesting to watch how far Michael will go on his AI journey. I also wonder whether the show is going to treat him more humanely and spare him the savage beating his beautiful soul of a brother got.

To Michael’s credit, our guy is a Cage fighter. I’m not saying he’s going to get all violent, but I really don’t think he’s going to take crap from anyone. Not even Simon.


Michael Castro Audition Video

I can’t get it to load here. Grrrr.

But here’s a link to it.

Michael Castro – Audition, Kansas City


Side note:

I noticed that Ryan Seacrest referred to Jason as last year’s “fourth runner-up”.  WTH?

It was either Ryan’s mistake or the writer’s. They demoted the guy one rank down.

Just to be clear to everyone,  Jason Castro was the 4th placer last season. He finished in the Top 4 and hence should be called  the “third runner-up”.


MCas Blog #7

He posted this at the break of dawn.:

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I thought i was havin trouble keepin up with comments and messages before…but after tonight…YIKES.
So thanks to everyone for bein awesome and for friend requests and stuff!
The song i sang is in love with a girl by gavin degraw.
I literally only sang for 20 days before the audition…like…literally. I had like 2 voice lessons, which was basically her just helpin me improve that song. (And improve it did!) but yea….

You can read the rest HERE.

Michael Castro’s Audition In The News

May I just say that Jason Castro is love. And that I miss him.

Jason Castro at the Kansas City Auditions

Jason Castro at the Kansas City Auditions

Is he a great brother or what? Still has that same goofy, winning smile and personality.

Am not sure I’m ready to let go of last year’s season just yet. Aahh…. Season 7… good times.

Michael Castro, with last year's finalist big bro, Jason.

Michael Castro, with last year's finalist big bro, Jason.

Fortunately, Michael’s on Season 8.

Last year was emotionally exhausting, but I’ll be happy to stay tuned as long as there are people like him around to make the show less painful to watch. Ya know… with all the plants and TCOs sprinkled all over, this season has the potential to become really annoying.

Just saying. 😉


And oh, video is by lavenderstripes.

The video was up so quick on youtube, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it.

Thank you, lavenderstripes. You rock!