A Few Thanks

The site is courtesy of DJ, as well as the new banner at the top of the page.

Thanks DJ. And I apologize for the stress and any trouble that my blog (the old one) and I may have caused you. This is an awesome site. Your generosity is overwhelming.

And to the readers, thank you for your support.

Something Odd, Something New


A reader emailed me yesterday and asked why the site was using a picture showing a “bloodied Michael.” I understand why some people find it odd that we had chosen to use that pic, after all, there are countless gorgeous pictures of him floating around.

I picked that for several reasons. First, it’s strangely sexy. Second, it represented the other side of him unknown to most people, Mcas as a Cage Fighter. Third, and perhaps the most logical explanation, it was created for Halloween.

Yes, it was not intended to be used way into December. One lazy ass, mine specifically, simply forgot to create a new one. I had planned on using a Christmasy banner for this month but unfortunately, I had been unable to attend to it and hence, had to continue using the “creepy” one. ( no pun intended =p)

Since I do agree, that it does not really represent Michael, the American Idol contestant, but was more of a manifestation of our weird concept of what is hot, I had decided to take it down and change it.

Hopefully, by this time tomorrow, I would be done making a banner more appropriate for the Christmas Season and the New Year celebration. For now, this sorry excuse for a banner will have to do. But heyyy, with Michael’s gorgeous smile, a banner’s aesthetic presentation is really quite dispensable. (:

note: thanks to Dreadhead Sherry for the picture of Michael.
