A Thousand Years After


I’m back. No, I did not come bearing gifts. =(

I’m still undecided on whether or not to post the pictures I found online that were taken  during his Planet Kidz gigs.  I’m kind of weighing the implications of posting them. You know… copyright and all… So in the meantime, here’s a not so new news.

Michael posted a blog a few days ago and here’s an interesting excerpt:

I was definately not depressed after bein cut from idol! I saw that they made me look like i dropped my head or whatever, but theres cameras around 24/7, that clip was from another time sittin in that room, because we knew before they came in we were the cut room and so when they told us, we had already planned to jump around and cheer, and we did! But of course they edited it to look like we were all gonna die!

This was in response to a fan who asked if he was depressed after his elimination after the final round in Hollywood.

The entire blog is an interesting read. Do check it out on his MySpace.

And hey, I haven’t been able to update as often as I would have wanted, because of some pressing matters I had to attend to. Hopefully, I’d be able to post more stuff in the coming days.

You all take care.


Next Season Is Just A Year Away


Michael updated his Blog sometime today.

MCas Blog# 15 (from his MySpace)

Thursday, January 01, 1981


I just got home, but i heard they showed me getting cut tonight…SO.
I got cut because they thought i didnt want it bad enough, at least thats
what Paula told me. Which is half true, and after all it is their show
and of course they want people who jump around and at least pretend to
be excited. I’m never gonna be one of those people who jumps around and

I’m a little upset they didnt show that last song tho because it was my best!! But of course they cant show my best song then cut me on the same night =P

However, it’s also a good thing, because had I have been in the voting rounds,
they probably would have eaten me alive…
and once youve made it to voting rounds you can never try out
again. So the good news is…

I can try out next year! And plan to do so with much more experience.
I’ve already gotten way better and been performing and stuff.
It’s kind of a blessing in disguise because theres no way I would have survived this season.

I do plan on pursuing a music career tho! I promise you havent heard the last of me 🙂

Speaking of which I have a song i’m puttin up for sale ASAP hopefully within the
next few days, it was produced by the same guy who produced nelly

furtado. So its prettttyyy cool =P My first official song! woooo!
And whats REALLY awesome is…I got cut tonight, and have almost 40 pages of friend requests! Are you kidding me?!?! Thats awesome haha



The Tale of PB&Js, Jiu Jitsu and Wendys


MCas Blog #12

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


SUPER eventful day.

It all started out with a delicious pb&j (as usual)

Then me and my brother went to a deliciously talented songwriter/producer/dude’s house to work on a song  i had in the works and it turned out deliciously (dont question my word choices!!)

It’s all recorded up but i’m goin back there tomorrow to finish up all the little touches and such.

THEN. I randomly ran into Eddie Bravo (a jiu-jitsu legend) at a superbowl party yesterday. So he was all like “you should come train tomorrow” so i did. It was delicious and i’m half dead. Maybe 3/4 dead. Whatever the case im still breathin! (barely)

And i ended it all with 4 burgers from wendys.

Can a day get much more delicious?

doubt it.


MCas Blog #7

He posted this at the break of dawn.:

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I thought i was havin trouble keepin up with comments and messages before…but after tonight…YIKES.
So thanks to everyone for bein awesome and for friend requests and stuff!
The song i sang is in love with a girl by gavin degraw.
I literally only sang for 20 days before the audition…like…literally. I had like 2 voice lessons, which was basically her just helpin me improve that song. (And improve it did!) but yea….

You can read the rest HERE.

A Message From Stro

Yes, that’s what he calls himself now -“Stro.” heh

Here’s the new blog:

Monday, January 12, 2009

Been workin hard!! =P

But not too hard!
Wrote a new song! I recorded a rough version buttttt you guys cant hear it till its been done in a studio! But just know a song is on the way haha…
And i just started a new one! Hopefully itll be done soon too!
And i’ll have new pics up soon!
Lots of news! Told you Ive been workin hard =P
Peace (of pie)


Wait… did he say new song?

And we can’t hear it yet?

Aaaaargghhhh! Such a tease, this boy is!


MCas Blog


Michael Castro Music


Tuesday, December 30,Hello Everyone!

I would like to say thanks to errrrryone for all the nice comments and stuff! And I’m not sure when I’ll have another song up, because id like it to be my own next time rather then a cover! So bear with me.

Also I feel like ‘s so many people saying so many things that there’s no way i can respond!

But a recurring theme seems to be the backup vocals, so I’ll answer that one! I did my own backup vocals =P Sorry to disappoint everyone haha

Later Skaters,
Michael Castro


Check out Michael’s Space! And while you’re there, don’t forget to play his music.