Michael Talks About His EP

This is a new Mikey vid. Well, not really. It’s about a month old.

Mrs. Betsi Castro sent me some links and after feasting my eyes on some intense animated eye candy, I eventually found this gem of a video.

Some of you may have already seen this, but for the benefit of those who have not, here it is:

Enjoy the hotness!


Thanks Mrs. Castro!

MCas and Friends

Michael has some cuh-razy, cool friends!

Now that’s what I call a one helluva peformance! Hahahahahaaa 😀

Update on Michael’s EP

According to Michael, the CDs will be sent out very soon to those who had ordered them.

Mikey’s EP can be availed of either by buying the CD only or going for the second package, which includes a digital copy along with the CD.

The downloadable links for the digital copy had already been sent out to those who had pre-ordered the EP.

There are 6 tracks on the EP and you should go order a copy if you hadn’t already.

Here’s a video of him singing one of the songs during a recent gig:

Vlog From Mikey

Jackie makes an appearance, too.

Jason Has Found A Home!

Yep! That’s what he said! :mrgreen:

I interrupt our regular programming (lol) to tell you that Jason Castro, Michael’s big brother and American Idol Season 7 Third Runner Up, is now signed with Atlantic Records. Yes. THE Atlantic Records. Home of the Mraz, Collins, Thomas etc…

Apparently, Jason mentioned it during an interview on the night of his appearance on American Idol Extra. For some reason AI conveniently failed to give him the opportunity to say it on air and make it known to the world that he has been signed to a major record deal. Probably because Atlantic is a competitor of 19E. But, whatever… Anyway, someone found this link, so her ya go, watch and listen as Jason makes it official.

And listen to him talk about Michael! He said Michael has the “music bug”.

Jason’s Billboard Interview

Good luck sucker!!! Hahaha

Michael Vids From the Texas A&M Concert

Here are a couple of videos taken during Michael’s set when he opened for his brother Jason at College Station, Dallas last March 28.

Unfortunately, the videos are dark. But the audio is clear so it’s still worth checking out if you want to hear Michael’s performance.

And my favorite, Hindsight 20/20. This is a really funny song. :mrgreen:

He did great, didn’t he? It’s hard to believe that he only started performing less than a year ago.

He’s out there now, singing in auditoriums, and even making his own music.

This goes to show that if you have it, you really have it.

Michael’s Message to the Creepers

The Creepers got a special shout-out from the Castro boy himself.

Check it out!


Thanks to Arlene for this vid.

Michael’s Texas A&M Interview

Listen to Michael’s interview on KANM Student Radio.

In case you didn’t know, Michael is back in Aggieland to perform as the opening act of his big brother, Jason Castro.

The concert is tonight, 8:00PM at the Rudder Auditorium.

Part 1

Part 2

Thanks to Cathy for posting the vids.

Michael Castro Live in Houston


Here’s a vid from Michael’s Planet Kidz gig in Houston, Texas on February 20.

Michael sang an original song during the event. The title escapes me as of the moment. So I’ll have to get back to you on that.

He also performed covers of popular songs such as In Love With A Girl and This Boy.



Michael Castro – Trouble


New bulletin from Michael’s MySpace! And apparently he’s having some kind of a problem with his page, hence he attached the new video of him singing Trouble by Ray LaMontagne.  So, here’s the bulletin and enjoy the vid!

Date:         Feb 12, 2009 9:07 AM


Body:        Apparently it wont let anyone see my page. I mean, not much i can do if myspace and idol both hate me. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is turning against me.

Anyways since you cant get to my page..

BAM! Theres the new video!

ENJOY! (the goofy captions)


Aaahhh, I love this boy. I’m not kidding!  :mrgreen:

Don’t get creeped out. Heh, is “creeped” even a word? LOL.  Anyway, he is on a mini tour right now. Hopefully we’d get more vids in the coming days!
