Michael Talks About His EP

This is a new Mikey vid. Well, not really. It’s about a month old.

Mrs. Betsi Castro sent me some links and after feasting my eyes on some intense animated eye candy, I eventually found this gem of a video.

Some of you may have already seen this, but for the benefit of those who have not, here it is:

Enjoy the hotness!


Thanks Mrs. Castro!

Michael’s EP (Another Update)

From MCas’ twitter:

I’ve decided, for all your support I’m just gonna sign all the EP’s that have been ordered so far!

Ain’t that grand?

He has been busy printing shipping labels, so the EPs will probably be in your mailbox very soon.

Hey, how come no one is helping him with all these EP burning, printing and shipping stuff?


MCas and Friends

Michael has some cuh-razy, cool friends!

Now that’s what I call a one helluva peformance! Hahahahahaaa 😀

Update on Michael’s EP

According to Michael, the CDs will be sent out very soon to those who had ordered them.

Mikey’s EP can be availed of either by buying the CD only or going for the second package, which includes a digital copy along with the CD.

The downloadable links for the digital copy had already been sent out to those who had pre-ordered the EP.

There are 6 tracks on the EP and you should go order a copy if you hadn’t already.

Here’s a video of him singing one of the songs during a recent gig:

Jason Castro Forum

A friend of mine asked me to invite all of you to the new Jason Castro Fan Community

MCas has his own message board over there, so why don’t you register and represent!



I know it’s been a while since I first talked of a thisboycastro forum. I actually made one already but it’s not yet operational. I will open it as soon as Michael makes it to the voting round on Americal Idol Season 9.

Eye Candy of the Day

I’m baaccckkk!

MCas and the Magic Table

Ok. I dunno how I feel about this pic.

It’s both funny and errr… what’s the word, tragic?

But MCas looks cute.

I hope that he makes it to Hollywood in the upcoming season of American Idol.

I kinda despise that show, but if Michael wants to succeed on it, then I support him.

Michael’s Radio Interview

Here’s a link to Michael’s interview at a Radio Program in Dallas:

Mikey at 103.7

The EP is Finally Here!

Well, not physically. lol

But pre-orders for Michael Castro’s EP are now being accepted!

Click to order.

The Digital Copy goes for $5.99 and the Digital+CD is $8.99.
The lovely single “Home”, which he sang during his interview at 103.7 will also be on the EP.

Let’s support Michael!

Eye Candy of the Day

I love this photo for sooo many reasons.
From the elf smile to the squinting eyes; the massive arms to the gorgeous complexion; etc…


Mr. Dolphin is lucky to have been so near him. lol

Michael at the Well Done Awards

I had been looking all over for some pics of Michael at the awards show, but couldn’t find any. But one of our readers, Ali, sent me a link to several photos taken during the event and I found a few of Michael’s. FINALLY!

Thank you Ali!



with Phil Stacey (American Idol Season 6 finalist)

Okay, I know I’ve always said that Michael can pull off any look, and I’m quite sure I loved that jacket on his brother Jason, but honestly, that jacket looks small on him. It’s about time that jacket went back to J’s closet. Or side of the closet. (Coz I think they share one.)

And I’m not liking the hair. Seriously.

I still adore him though. :mrgreen:<3