MCas and Friends

Michael has some cuh-razy, cool friends!

Now that’s what I call a one helluva peformance! Hahahahahaaa 😀

Jason Castro Forum

A friend of mine asked me to invite all of you to the new Jason Castro Fan Community

MCas has his own message board over there, so why don’t you register and represent!



I know it’s been a while since I first talked of a thisboycastro forum. I actually made one already but it’s not yet operational. I will open it as soon as Michael makes it to the voting round on Americal Idol Season 9.

On A Short Break

Hey everyone. I have not been able to post frequently because I am attending to some pressing matters.

I will be back in a few days.

I do have more Michael stuff to post, I promise.

Take care y’all.

Eye Candy of the Day

I love this photo for sooo many reasons.
From the elf smile to the squinting eyes; the massive arms to the gorgeous complexion; etc…


Mr. Dolphin is lucky to have been so near him. lol

Eye Candy of the Day

I can’t believe I forgot to post this.


Even the Castro version of geek is hot.

Eye Candy of the Day

Michael Castro with Gavin de Graw, the original artist of his audition piece, In Love With A Girl.

This picture is made of win.

Michael’s Message to the Creepers

The Creepers got a special shout-out from the Castro boy himself.

Check it out!


Thanks to Arlene for this vid.

The Tale of PB&Js, Jiu Jitsu and Wendys


MCas Blog #12

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


SUPER eventful day.

It all started out with a delicious pb&j (as usual)

Then me and my brother went to a deliciously talented songwriter/producer/dude’s house to work on a song  i had in the works and it turned out deliciously (dont question my word choices!!)

It’s all recorded up but i’m goin back there tomorrow to finish up all the little touches and such.

THEN. I randomly ran into Eddie Bravo (a jiu-jitsu legend) at a superbowl party yesterday. So he was all like “you should come train tomorrow” so i did. It was delicious and i’m half dead. Maybe 3/4 dead. Whatever the case im still breathin! (barely)

And i ended it all with 4 burgers from wendys.

Can a day get much more delicious?

doubt it.


Eye Candy Of The Day


It’s a slow news day, so why don’t we just feast our eyes on these Michael Castro photos? 🙂

Michael Castro - Audition Photo, Kansas City

Michael Castro - Audition Photo, Kansas City

There goes that AI logo again. Hahaa

Jason and Michael Castro, Kansas City Audition

Jason and Michael Castro, Kansas City Audition

The Un-Girly Sitting Position

The Un-Girly Sitting Position

Jason: You said I was girly?

Michael: It’s coz you get emotional and stuff…

Jason: I’m a man!

LMAO on these two. Hahahaa

Is it just me or don’t these exchanges just scream Castro TV show?! How amazing would it be if we saw such beautiful creatures on the screen regularly? How often do we find a young man who is talented, polite, funny, smart, sincere, clean living, well meaning and drama-free, on the entertainment biz? And oh yeah, ridiculously good looking? More so, how often do we find two of them?

Both the Castro boys, aside from singing and playing instruments, play soccer. They’ve been to mission trips to several places to perform soccer ministry. They also like to go drifting with friends. They sure have interesting aspects in their lives that a lot of fans will find interesting.

Perhaps also, we’ll get a glimpse of their other talents, Jason- drumming, and Michael – cage fighting.

I want the Castro Brothers on a TV show! Who’s with me? Anybody?

For sure, they are going to mow down The Hills if they had to go head to head. 😉

Michael and Jason Steals the Scene from Ryan

Michael and Jason Steals the Scene from Ryan

Love the hot jeans. The Castro brothers sure know how to wear their pants!

And look at where that AI logo is. Tell me, is there some kind of an AI logo conspiracy going on? :p


Quotes From Michael’s Audition


* Exchange between new judge Kara and our boy:

Kara:  “You have this, ‘I have a secret’ vibe”

Michael: “Maybe I don’t even know it.”

(he is a stud. that is all.)


*Michael on big bro Jason

Michael: “He’s like, more girly, and I’m more, like, not girly,”

(this is the part where my jaw dropped and then after I had finally picked it up from the floor, all I called say was a big WTH!!! ) =p


*And my favorite quote of the night:

Jason: “By girly you mean I have emotions and express them well?  Some people call that an artist.”

(and then a collective shriek was heard across Castro land.)


And by the way, contrary to American Idol’s constant claim, Jason Castro is in fact a fun and interesting interviewee. This jab at Jason’s interview skills is getting tired. The only clip they ever have of him bungling up an interview  is that pre-performance clip from the Top 20 round. Yes, from week 2. It’s that old.

Jason consistently gave honest, polite, down to earth and sincere interviews. His exit interview on Idol Extra was entertaining and truthful and all his radio interviews after AI were fun and revealing.

But I digress.  On the Michael : It will truly be interesting to watch how far Michael will go on his AI journey. I also wonder whether the show is going to treat him more humanely and spare him the savage beating his beautiful soul of a brother got.

To Michael’s credit, our guy is a Cage fighter. I’m not saying he’s going to get all violent, but I really don’t think he’s going to take crap from anyone. Not even Simon.
