Quotes From Michael’s Audition


* Exchange between new judge Kara and our boy:

Kara:  “You have this, ‘I have a secret’ vibe”

Michael: “Maybe I don’t even know it.”

(he is a stud. that is all.)


*Michael on big bro Jason

Michael: “He’s like, more girly, and I’m more, like, not girly,”

(this is the part where my jaw dropped and then after I had finally picked it up from the floor, all I called say was a big WTH!!! ) =p


*And my favorite quote of the night:

Jason: “By girly you mean I have emotions and express them well?  Some people call that an artist.”

(and then a collective shriek was heard across Castro land.)


And by the way, contrary to American Idol’s constant claim, Jason Castro is in fact a fun and interesting interviewee. This jab at Jason’s interview skills is getting tired. The only clip they ever have of him bungling up an interview  is that pre-performance clip from the Top 20 round. Yes, from week 2. It’s that old.

Jason consistently gave honest, polite, down to earth and sincere interviews. His exit interview on Idol Extra was entertaining and truthful and all his radio interviews after AI were fun and revealing.

But I digress.  On the Michael : It will truly be interesting to watch how far Michael will go on his AI journey. I also wonder whether the show is going to treat him more humanely and spare him the savage beating his beautiful soul of a brother got.

To Michael’s credit, our guy is a Cage fighter. I’m not saying he’s going to get all violent, but I really don’t think he’s going to take crap from anyone. Not even Simon.
